The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Ethical..

Becoming a leader requires personal habits of two types. The first set of habits refer to the forging of personal character, and the second have to do with professional competency.

Efficacia ed efficienza di una leadership etica

Per diventare leader occorre acquisire abitudini personali di due tipi. Le prime si riferiscono alle qualità che forgiano il carattere della persona, le seconde alle competenze professionali.

Rapporto etica-economia negli scritti di G. Toniolo

L’obiettivo principale del libro è di preparare la documentazione per un successivo approfondimento nell’argomento



About Me

Consistency and Integrity

Imagine that one day on your way to work a person walks up to you. This person is smiling and asks you to answer a simple question: “What do you look for in a leader? What are the characteristics that, in your opinion, must never be missing in a person who directs an...

Ethics helps me to be better

It is a common error to consider ethics as the whole of precepts that, for more or less noble reasons, limit one’s behavior. In the best case scenario, according to this way of thinking, I should limit my personal freedom to a more elevated social motive. That is, any...

The Good & Happiness: Anna and Beatrice

Anna’s dream was to have children. Yet it seems that this might not be possible. This reality is difficult for her to accept and she looks for ways of even partially easing her deep sorrow. She knows that every morning the nearby park is full of mothers with their...

Ethics and the Process of Human Acting

Ethics is knowledge concerning the moral life as lived, and reflects on the actions of the moral life. Ethics, then, in the first place has as its point of departure personal experience, and only secondarily a reflection of practical knowledge which becomes normative...